kashi varanasi “feel like free of affraid”

gold bell hanging on brown wooden wall

Chanting mantras is an ancient practice that has been followed for centuries in various cultures and religions. One such powerful mantra is “Om Namah Parvati Pateh Har Har Mahadev”. This mantra holds immense significance in Hinduism and is dedicated to Lord Shiva, the destroyer and transformer of the universe. The mantra begins with “Om”, which … Read more

The Meaning of Akaalmoorat: No One Here

woman in yellow coat standing on brown wooden dock during daytime

Akaalmoorat is a term that holds deep significance in Sikhism. Derived from the Punjabi language, it is a compound word composed of two parts: “Akaal” and “Moorat”. When translated, “Akaal” means “beyond time” or “eternal”, while “Moorat” refers to “form” or “manifestation”. Therefore, Akaalmoorat can be understood as the “eternal form” or “timeless manifestation”. In … Read more

The Symbolic Relationship Between Mother Earth and Father Sky

marble toy

Throughout various cultures and mythologies, the Earth and the Sky have been personified as powerful entities, often referred to as Mother Earth and Father Sky. These symbolic figures represent the fundamental elements of the natural world and are often associated with divinity and spirituality. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of Mother … Read more

The Journey from Soul to God

person walking on beach during daytime

Throughout history, humans have sought to understand their place in the universe and the existence of a higher power. This quest for spiritual enlightenment has led many on a profound journey from the depths of their soul to the realm of God. In this blog post, we will explore the transformative journey that individuals undertake … Read more